miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

El inglés de la semana - Expresiones usando el arte culinario

Betting for Atletico de Madrid to win was a recipe for losing money (situation sure to lead to).

The film has all the ingredients of a blockbuster (all the necessary characteristics).

Let's invite a lot of friends to the wedding to dilute the relatives (make less dominant).

I'm not going to call my girlfriend. It is better if you let women stew for some days (worry or suffer especially about something you think is their fault).

My mother grilled me for hours on the phone (asked a lot of questions).

That is just another half-baked scheme that never comes to anything (unrealistic or not though through properly).

Using items in bed can spicy up our sexual life (make more lively).

My friend is hanging out now with some unsavoury characters (unpleasant, morally offensive).

We started our bussiness with high hopes but after the recession, things are turned sour (go wrong).

What happened in Lost yesterday? You must fill me in on all the juicy facts (exiting and interesting).


If you come home for dinner, you'll have to take pot luck (eat what we're eating, nothing special).

We can grab a bite to eat on the way (have a quick meal).

Can I pour you some juyce? Say when (tell me when I have served enough). When! (That's enough, thanks)

Does anyone want seconds? (a second helping/serving of a dish).

Lunch is on me today (I am paying lunch for you).

We are not a lot of people, we should split the bill (each person will pay for themselves).

His girlfriend is wined and dined everytime they have an argument (invited out to restaurants).

No thanks, I won't drink wine, I am teetotal (never drink alcohol).

I don't have a clue about what to cook, our guest is a bit of a fussy eater (person who has very particular demands when eating).

Fuente: English Vocabulary in Use, Advanced - Cambridge (ISBN-13 978-0-521-65397-8)

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